If you haven’t come across Siemens Home Connect then boy, are you in a for a treat! These whizzy wi-fi enabled appliances are the answer to your prayers if you are a busy person, or if you just love a gadget and want to add some more items to your smart home hub.

Simply download the Siemens Home Connect app and you will be able to control a variety of appliances at the touch of a button. If you and Alexa are on first name terms, you can ask her to switch on your oven while you peel the spuds or turn the temperature down while you finish that last episode on Netflix. You can even use voice control to make you a coffee while you cut a wedge of cake!


If you are a busy parent, or you work long hours then these appliances will make life just that bit easier. Have you ever left the house and had to go back and check if you turned off the oven or hob? Peace of mind is just a click away with wi-fi enabled Siemens appliances, and with the Home Connect app you can monitor your appliance’s settings including on/off status, active cooking zones, and time status from wherever you are. If only you could do the same with your hair straighteners, eh ladies!

Our top tip? Step 1: Grab a pre-made fish pie from the freezer in the morning before you dash out of the door. Step 2: Leave pie to thaw while you go about your day. Step 3: When you are heading home, open the Home Connect app and switch on the oven to warm your dinner. Stuck in traffic? No problem, just use the app to adjust the temperature or switch the oven to its ‘keep warm’ function. Step 4: Unlock your front door to the smell of home cooked food, with minimal effort and no stress whatsoever!


Ristretto, Cappuccino, Latte Macchiato – when it comes to coffee, everyone has their own preferences. And with Home Connect you can satisfy every one of them. Just choose or create your chosen drink through the app and transfer it to your Siemens coffee centre.

Wow your guests with your appliances as well as your stunning new kitchen! With the Home Connect app, you can easily take multiple orders of different coffee variations and remotely transfer the playlist to your appliance. The coffee centre then prepares the individual coffees from the playlist, one after another. Giving you more time to catch up on the latest gossip!

Would you believe we have gulped our way through over 200 cups of coffee since we opened the shop! We know this because the Home Connect app logs everything from how many milks you’ve frothed, to the estimated time remaining before you need to run a descale function.


We have the Coffee Centre and Steam Oven on display in the showroom so if you’d like a demonstration please give us a call to book and we’d love to show you how Siemens Home Connect appliances can make your life a whole lot easier!